In August 2022, Zaporizhzhia National University won a Grant to support activities within the Jean Monet projects of the ERASMUS+ program, Jean Monet Module.

The name of the project is “European practices of social entrepreneurship: sustainability, inclusion and creativity”, European practices of social entrepreneurship: sustainability, inclusion and creativity (EUROSECRET)

Project number – 101085348 — EUROSECRET — ERASMUS-JMO-2022-HEI-TCH-RSCH.

Project implementation dates – October 1, 2022 – September 31, 2025.

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The strategic goal of the project

The strategic goal of the project is the development and popularization of social entrepreneurship models, increasing the level of employment in Ukraine by using the best European practices of cooperation between the social economy and traditional forms of enterprises based on the synergy of sustainability, inclusion and creativity by spreading them among students, young NEETs and SMEs, representatives of science, state and public institutions.

Tasks of the project

1) development of the course "Social entrepreneurship: sustainability, inclusion and creativity" (EUROSECRET), which combines modern European trends, namely sustainability, inclusiveness and creativity, and its implementation through interdisciplinary (synergy of economics, information technology and management);
2) development of program material for a seminar-training for school teachers and a webinar for representatives of the youth of NEETs of Ukraine;
3) familiarizing students, young scientists, representatives of NEETs and civil society with European models of social entrepreneurship and increasing their interest in the implementation of models in everyday activities;
4) attracting the attention of officials to the needs of social entrepreneurship and issues of its implementation.

Expected results and impact of the project

1) development of the course "European practices of social entrepreneurship: sustainability, inclusion and creativity" for 140 students (bachelor's and master's), printed and electronic course materials with free access in Moodle of ZNU;
2) working site, preparation and publication of 3 professional scientific articles, 1 educational manual "Social entrepreneurship: sustainability, inclusion and creativity";
3) debates for students, teachers, professors, young scientists and entrepreneurs;
4) training seminar for school teachers;
5) a webinar for NEETs youth representatives, providing all educational materials available on the Internet;
6) program document on the topic "Implementation of European models of social entrepreneurship in Ukraine";
7) course dissemination activities (annual course presentations, etc.);
8) project banner, brochures for disseminating information about the training course, training seminar, webinar, debate;
9) dissemination activities to a wide audience (1 project presentation, 1 final conference);

ПThe project will have an impact at various levels: university, regional and national. For the university, this influence is manifested in the development of a European course for students of management and economic specialties as part of the intensification of project activities at ZNU in the framework of synergistic interaction with other Erasmus+ projects, in particular JMM "Diversification of rural tourism through sustainability and creativity: dissemination of European experience in Ukraine"; for the project group, scientific and pedagogical staff - this is the expansion of the scientific worldview regarding the European experience in solving complex issues, the formation of research directions, course topics, qualification papers; forming in students the relevant competencies necessary for career growth, self-realization, determining the desire to engage in entrepreneurial activity, adaptation to modern challenges, using the experience of EU countries in national realities.

At the regional level the project allows young small and medium-sized businesses to look at business in a different way, reevaluate it from the point of view of European experience and determine the optimal model; promotes the implementation of the best practices of the European social entrepreneurship policy based on the principles of inclusiveness, creativity and sustainability through the publication of scientific articles and participation in events that have a wide audience; increasing the efficiency of "science-education-business-society" interaction through participation in the project activities of representatives of employment centers, youth centers, regional and university mass media, public organizations working with youth and social entrepreneurs, united territorial communities; attracting the attention of state authorities to social entrepreneurship, which in European practice is defined as an innovative form of business organization that allows solving important socio-economic issues and promotes the implementation of individual entrepreneurs' initiatives.

The impact of the project at the national level is realized through the spread of the best European practices of social entrepreneurship, focused on the intellect, inclusiveness through the participation in the events of civil servants, as well as those who form models and vectors of business development; formation of a complex and effective model of social entrepreneurship by combining the experience of the EU and the peculiarities of the national economic system by concentrating the efforts of representatives of education, business and government.

The project works for the development of the following strategic documents

- "Goals of Sustainable Development: Ukraine" in accordance with the National Report of the CMU, in particular Goal No. 4 - Quality of education.
- Agreement on the Association between Ukraine and the EU on cooperation in the fields of science and technology, education, youth, sports and civil society: Section V, Chapter 9, Cooperation in the field of science and technology, Chapters 23-26, Articles 430-445 - education , youth, sports and civil society.
- Objectives of the Activity Program of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine - Resolution of the CMU dated 29.09.2019 No. 849, in particular in higher education: 1.4 Graduates of higher education institutions are competitive specialists on the labor market; 1.5 Ukrainian scientists have appropriate conditions for research and are integrated into the global scientific space.
- Law of Ukraine "On Higher Education" and Law of Ukraine "On Education".